Thursday, February 24, 2011

Education?? (Warning... this is a rant!)

My wife was feeling ill this morning so I stayed home and helped her with the babies.  I decided to have the news on in the background and it has pretty much ruined my day.  The most disturbing / upsetting news is not the shit going on in the mid-east either.  It is the constant news of budget cuts to our education system / teachers jobs.  I don’t get stressed easily but this is stressing me the hell out!
How can any government, state or local, allow their budget deficits get so big that they are going after teaching jobs?  It has me really concerned…  Will my children even get educated at this point?  Are they cutting all the other jobs that they can before they look at firing teachers?  The Providence RI situation is completely insane!!  Why are they issuing pink slips to the entire staff of teachers in the city?  There should never be an education budget shortage that requires you to fire everyone.  If they don’t hire anyone back where will those kids get educated?  They will have to hire some back right?  How many other gov’t employees out there are making twice what a teacher makes and they get to keep their jobs.  Does the governor’s secretary really need a secretary?  That of course is an exaggeration, but I think you get the point that there is ‘bound to be “fat” elsewhere in our gov’t.  When did a teacher become that “fat”??
Our leaders really need to open their fucking eyes and make some drastic changes for the better.  I want a leader that has the balls to stand up for what is right for this country and get the senators / congressmen to drop the silly kindergarten bullshit (spitefullness) and if you aren't on board then get the fuck out!  They are in those positions of power for a reason and if they need to decide to cut their pay, tax me more (hell yes I'm willing to pay more to ensure my kids are educated!) and tax the wealthy a shit-load more (think of getting rid of Bush tax cuts!) then do it!  Don't cut funding to the protect the safety of this country, and drop the stupid lobbyists and their pet projects.  I don’t have all the solutions, that is not my fucking job, but cutting teachers jobs has to stop!  America certainly can’t continue on if we don’t have anyone left to educate our kids!

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