Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To Curse or Not to Curse…

I was raised in a religious household, so cursing was a major “no-no”.  My mother would fuss at my dad if he let one slip.  Heaven forbid I say one.  No I never had my mouth washed with soap, but she did always tell me I shouldn’t stoop to “that” level…  Well what is that level?
Not that my mother knows, but I have been cussing since I was 12.  You know you start picking up words on the bus and next thing you know they are just part of your vocab.  Of course in high school everybody cusses because they think it’s cool.  The older I get though I have realized that you don’t really grow out of it.  Cursing becomes less “cool” but no less part of your daily vocab.
I am guessing my mother’s lower level would be referring to what she would consider to be degenerates and other rif-raf.  The fact of the matter is though I work with some highly educated, well-paid people that curse just as bad as a sailor, to use the cliché.  Here’s the part that gets offensive…
The part that my mother just never understood (mainly because she is religious and just doesn’t believe in it) is “Oh shoot” just doesn’t express the same thing that “Oh shit” does.  The use of the curse is that extra umpf that explains the severity of the situation.  A good example would be getting someone out of your office.  If there is no urgency you just ask them to “scram” or you may “shoo” them away.  However, if you need them to leave immediately then “Fuck off” is best way to do it.  The other person knows that now is not the time to linger, it is time to get out!
So I guess as opposed to stooping to a lower level, I have always felt that cussing takes it up a notch and lets people know that you aren’t messing around.  Which is why it is still included in my daily vocabulary.


  1. When I was a kid and teenager swearing around the house was also a no-no. On a rare occasion I would hear my mom say the word shit and on much rarer occasion my dad would drop the f-bomb.

    But as an adult I hear them swear more often.. and they are old now! I swear in front of them now, although still avoid the f-word if possible, that's still a little too far for them I think.


  2. First time my dad ever said the 'F' word in front of me was when his wallet fell out of the canoe into the river. I was about 12... I don't think I've heard it since...

  3. My mother's favourite swear word was "Horseshit"
    She said if often but only after I was about 16. Before that she didn't swear much.

  4. Ahhh... Horseshit is a good one! lol
